Thursday, March 26, 2009


This is a famous picture labeled "Man on the Moon" I have a poster of this picture hanging on my wall in my room, and it always gives me a chuckle.If you will look at area B you will notice a shadow cast across Buzz Aldrin's space suit. Once again, if the Sun is the only light source used on the moon, this shadow would have been MUCH darker.
In this picture, taken from the LEM, you can see at least two abnormalities. In section E you see an abnormal shadow on the moon's surface. NASA claims that this shadow is the shadow cast by the Lunar Module, but on earth, even when aircraft is flying low to the ground, it does not produce such a clearly defined shadow.

if you look in areas 6 and J, you will again see no stars.

As you should not - see the previous section.

In area
K you will notice that one side of the LEM in covered in shadow, but somehow the symbol of the US flag in [sic] illuminated. This very well could have been a touch up job.

This is a picture of Alan Bean holding up a Special Environmental Examiner Container This picture was taken off a camera that was strapped to Conrad's chest. If the camera was attached to Conrad's chest, the top of Bean's helmet L should not be in this picture.

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